V prispevku avtorica predstavi uporabnost aplikacije Nearpod za preverjanje in utrjevanje znanja pri pouku geografije v 1. letniku gimnazije. Predstavi izsledke ankete, ki jo je naredila med dijaki. Ugotavlja, da je inovativna pedagogika lahko uporabna, zanimiva – celo zabavna. Kot strokovnjaki pa moramo presoditi, kdaj jo uporabiti oziroma katere cilje je smiselno realizirati z njeno pomočjo.
How to Mark the Written Works of Pupils
In the paper the author presents the usefulness of the Nearpod application for testing and refreshing knowledge during geography lessons in the 1st year of general secondary school. She presents the findings of a survey which she had conducted among the students. She has found that innovative pedagogy can be useful, interesting – and even entertaining. As experts, it is up to us to judge when to use it or which objectives it would be sensible to realize using it.