Na Gimnaziji Celje-Center sem v šolskem letu 2015/2016 postopno uvajal tablične računalnike iPad k pouku matematike. Začel sem z 32 tablicami, ki jih na podlagi zanimanja učitelja med redno uro uporabim zaradi inovativnega pristopa. Za tablične računalnike sva zadolžena dva učitelja matematike, ki vse ure z njimi tudi izvedeva, tako samostojno kot v paru ali v paru z učiteljem matematike v posameznem oddelku. S tabličnimi računalniki razvijam inovativno učno okolje in povečujem motivacijo, hkrati pa lažje spremljam napredek dijakov. Pri urah s tabličnimi računalniki se vloga učitelja in učenca spremeni, saj učitelj ni več v ospredju, kot je sicer značilno pri tradicionalnem pouku, učenec pa postane samostojen in potrebuje učitelja le za pomoč. Hkrati se spremeni videz učilnice, saj klasična razporeditev miz in stolov ni več potrebna niti zaželena. Predstavil bom značilne primere učnih ur s tablicami in ovrednotil tovrsten pouk.
Tablets in Mathematics Classes as an Innovative Learning Environment
In the academic year 2015/2016, I gradually started introducing iPad tablet computers in mathematics classes at Celje-Center GrammaSchool. I have started with 32 tablets, which I use based on the interest of the teacher during regular classes due to the innovativeness of the approach. There are two mathematics teachers responsible for tablet computers at our school, and they carry out all the lessons with the tablets, either individually, as a team or in a team with the mathematics teacher of the given individual class. Through tablet computers, I have been developing an innovative learning environment and promoting motivation, while at the same time they have facilitated the supervision of students’ progress for me. Where tablet computers are used during class, teacher and student roles change, with the teacher no longer being at the head of the class, as is typical of traditional classes, the students become independent and only need their teacher to assist. At the same time, classroom appearance changes, as the classic layout of desks and chairs is not required anymore nor desired. I will describe some typical examples of lessons using tablets and assess this kind of classes.