Načela daltonske pedagogike v praksi

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Po obisku šole na Nizozemskem, kjer smo spoznali daltonsko pedagogiko, smo se odločili, da v naš pouk vključimo njena temeljna načela. Na pouk zdaj gledamo drugače. Hrup nas manj moti, saj ugotavljamo, da se učenci večino časa pogovarjajo o snovi. Pouk načrtujemo tako, da učenci prevzemajo odgovornost za dosežene rezultate. Obvestimo jih, kaj mora biti storjeno in do kdaj, potem pa jim pustimo, da si čas razporedijo sami. Opazili smo, da so učenci tako bolj motivirani. Dovolimo jim, da zamenjajo prostor in določene dejavnosti opravijo samostojno, brez našega nadzora, zunaj učilnice. Tako jih postopoma znova navajamo na samostojnost pri delu. Tovrstne metode so zelo primerne tudi za delo z učenci s posebnimi potrebami. K dodatni strokovni pomoči smo vpeljali načelo izbirnosti, zaradi česar se je zmanjšal odpor do dela. V prispevku bi radi predstavili, kako smo temeljna načela daltonske pedagogike, odgovornost, samostojnost, svobodo in sodelovanje, vključili v naše delo.


Principles of Dalton Education in Practice
Following our visit to a school in Netherlands, where we were introduced to the Dalton Plan, we decided to include its basic principles into our classes. We view instruction differently now. The noise bothers us less as we realise that our pupils use most of their time discussing the subject matter. Classes are planned in a way that makes pupils assume responsibility for the results they achieve. We inform them what should be done and when, but then they are allowed to schedule their time on their own. This way, we have noticed that pupils are more motivated. We allow them to change rooms and carry out certain activities independently, without our supervision, outside their classrooms. This is how we gradually help them adapt to independent work. This kind of methods are also very well suited to pupils with special needs. The principle of optionality was introduced in regard to additional professional assistance, and in turn reduced aversion to work. This article seeks to explain how the underlying principles of the Dalton Plan, such as responsibility, independence, freedom and cooperation, have been integrated into our work.