Za uspešno delovanje v različnih življenjskih situacijah potrebujemo veščine sodelovanja, komuniciranja, argumentiranja, reševanja problemov, odločanja, ustvarjalnosti in druge. V strokovni literaturi s področja vzgoje in izobraževanja so jih poimenovali različno, kot veščine 21. stoletja, temeljne veščine, vsepredmetne veščine ali prečne oziroma transverzalne veščine, saj so temelj učinkovitega delovanja v svetu in jih v različnih kombinacijah terja prav vsaka problemska situacija. Pa vendar jih pogosto prezremo in v središče poučevanja postavljamo vsebine predmetov. Kako učence spodbuditi k sistematičnemu učenju vsepredmetnih veščin? Kako jih v procesu sistematičnega in samouravnavajočega učenja veščin učinkovito podpreti? Kako te veščine spremljati in vrednotiti? Ta in podobna vprašanja zastavlja mednarodni projekt Preverjanje vsepredmetnih veščin (ATS 2020: Assesment of Transversal Skills). Učitelji, ki sodelujejo v njem, se osredotočajo na spodbujanje razvoja izbranih vsepredmetnih veščin z uporabo digitalnih tehnologij in formativnega spremljanja. V prvem delu prispevka bomo primerjalno analizirali nekatere modele vsepredmetnih veščin in pojasnili model, oblikovan v projektu ATS 2020, v drugem pa bomo pojasnili temeljne cilje projekta ter teoretska izhodišča, na katerih temelji razvojno delo.
Systematic Encouragement, Monitoring and Assessment of Transversal Skills in the International Assessment of Transversal Skills Project
In order to be able to successfully handle different life situations, we need the skills of cooperation, communication, argumentation, problem solving, decision making, creativity, and others. In professional literature on education, these appear under various names, as 21st century skills, basic skills, all-purpose skills, transferrable, or transversal skills, since they form the foundation of the effective handling of the world and are required in different combinations by each and every problem-based situation. Even so, we often tend to neglect them and place subject contents in the centre of our teaching instead. How to encourage students to systematically learn transversal skills? How to effectively aid them in the process of this systematic and self-regulating acquisition of skills? How to monitor and assess these skills? These and similar questions have been posed by the international project of the assessment of these skills (ATS 2020: Assessment of Transversal Skills). The teachers who are taking part, focus on promoting the development of select transversal skills through the use of digital technologies and formative assessment. The first part of the article features a comparative analysis of the certain models of transversal skills, and explain the model that was designed within the ATS 2020 project, while the second part explains the main goals of the project and theoretical underpinnings on which the development work of the participating teachers is based.