Jugovzhodni Altaj velja za visokogorsko območje. Za posamezne dele gorovja je značilno precej suho podnebje. Visokogorski ekosistemi se začnejo takšnim pogojem prilagajati. Z uporabo dveh metod ocenjevanja pogojev naravnih rastišč v sušnih območjih smo prišli do primerljivih rezultatov, na podlagi katerih lahko izberemo najbolj racionalen pristop k prepoznavanju obstoječe tendence. Pridobljeni rezultati nam omogočajo, da ocenimo smer teh procesov. Človeški vpliv na polpuščavske pokrajine ovira potek naravnih procesov. To se odraža v maksimalni spremenljivosti uporabljenih indikatorjev – v vegetacijskem indeksu NDVI.
Studying the dynamics of aridization processes of mountain ecosystems using remote sensing data (case study of southeastern Altai)
Southeastern Altai is considered to be a high-mountainous zone. Its separate areas are characterized by considerable aridity of climate. High-mountainous ecosystems are compelled to adapt to such conditions. The results of two methods of assessment of conditions of natural sites located in arid territories yield comparable results. This gives a possibility to choose the most rational approach for the identification of the existing tendency. The obtained results allow us to estimate the orientation of the processes. The human impact on semidesertic landscapes complicates the course of natural processes. It is reflected in the maximum variability of the used indicators – the NDVI.