Koprsko pristanišče ali okno v svet na formativni način

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Prispevek predstavlja možni primer obravnave pristanišča Koper ob upoštevanju nekaterih korakov formativnega spremljanja oziroma ocenjevanja. Ker težnja po samoregulativnem učenju in učenčevi refleksiji močna, je bolj primeren izraz formativno spremljanje, saj je formativnega ocenjevanja relativno malo. Učenci obravnavajo bistvene značilnosti pristanišča Koper s pomočjo spletnih virov, glavno vodilo pa je delovni list z nalogami, ki jim sledijo, lahko pa poiščejo dodatne vire in ugotavljajo še druge vidike obravnavane problematike.


Port of Koper or a Window to the World in a Formative Way

The paper presents a potential way of discussing the Port of Koper by taking into account specific steps of formative assessment or evaluation. In light of the strong tendency towards self-regulated learning and students’ self-reflection, a more appropriate term would be formative assessment, as there is relatively little formative evaluation being carried out. Students discuss the basic characteristic of the Port of Koper using online sources; they are guided by a worksheet containing tasks for them to fulfil, or they can find additional sources and discover new aspects of the issue in question.