Učna obravnava aktualnih dogodkov prostorskih razsežnosti je skladna z izobraževalnim poslanstvom
regionalne geografije Evrope v slovenski gimnaziji. Aktualnost in življenjskost sprožata kakovostno učno motivacijo, informiranost pa, kot imperativ vzgoje in izobraževanja za trajnostni razvoj, vodi v aktivno in odgovorno državljanstvo mladih. Begunska kriza je primer geografsko relevantnega aktualnega dogajanja v Evropi. Učitelji geografije in dijaki 3. letnikov izbranih gimnazij vključevanju aktualnosti v pouk regionalne geografije Evrope pripisujejo velik motivacijski, izobraževalni in vzgojni pomen. Dnevne informacije o begunski krizi vključujejo v pouk, njena učna obravnava pa se nanaša predvsem na prostorske in demografske značilnosti migracij ter njihove vzroke in posledice.
Current Events of Spatial Proportions during Lessons on Regional Geography of Europe in General Secondary School: The Refugee Crisis
The discussion of current events of spatial proportions during lessons is in accordance with the educational mission of the regional geography of Europe in Slovenian general secondary schools. The topicality and real-world examples result in quality motivation to learn, while being informed is an imperative of education for sustainable development and leads to an active and responsible citizenship of young people. The refugee crisis is an example of a geographically relevant current event in Europe. Geography teachers and 3rd year students of select general secondary schools ascribe great motivational and educational importance to incorporating topicality into lessons on the regional geography of Europe. They incorporate daily information on the refugee crisis into lessons and discuss mainly the spatial and demographic characteristics of migrations, as well as their causes and consequences.