V šolskem letu 2016/17 smo nadaljevali z uvajanjem različnih elementov formativnega spremljanja v pouk. Na osnovi uvajanja povratne informacije v preteklem letu smo ugotovili, da bi bilo smiselno nadaljevati z uvajanjem vrstniškega vrednotenja. Glede na to, da smo že poznali dijake, ki so to izvajali v preteklem letu, je bilo načrtovanje nekoliko lažje – bolj ciljno usmerjeno. Prikazali bomo, kako smo z novim načinom spoznavali in urili postavljanje vprašanj različnih ravni, sprotno dajali povratne informacije in dijake pri njihovem delu usmerjali ter jih tekom dela pripravili na vrstniško vrednotenje. V nadaljevanju je opisan primer izvedbe.
Peer Assessment as a Formative Assessment Element
In the 2016/17 school year we continued to introduce various formative assessment elements into lessons. Based on feedback from their introduction in the previous year, it has been established that it would be sensible to continue the introduction of peer assessment. Since we were already familiar with the students at the secondary school where this was being implemented, the planning was somewhat easier – more targeted. It will be shown how through this new method we became familiar with and trained in asking questions of various levels, giving regular feedback, and guiding the work of secondary school students, while preparing them for peer assessment. This is followed by an implementation example.