Nekaj pogledov na uporabo geografskih virov

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V prispevku predstavljamo ključne vrste geografskih virov, ki se dokaj pogosto uporabljajo pri pouku geografije, njihovi primeri pa nam lahko služijo kot izhodišča o razmišljanju v smeri novih možnosti uporabe. Za večino virov velja, da se njihova uporaba bistveno ne razlikuje od uporabe virov pri drugih predmetih, posebej pa je poudarjena uporaba zemljevida kot geografskega vira, ki je eno izmed osnovnih geografskih orodij preučevanja pokrajine in s tem tudi poučevanja o njej.


Some Views on the Use of Geography Resources

This paper presents the key types of Geography resources that are quite often used in Geography lessons; their examples can serve as a starting point for thinking about new possibilities for their use. It is true of most of these resources that they are used more or less the same as the resources for other subjects; the paper does, however, highlight the use of a map as a Geography resource, as it is one of the basic geographical tools for studying landscape and consequently for teaching about landscape.