Čezcelinske selitve spadajo danes med najbolj vplivne in zelo problematizirane družbene tematike. Sredozemski prostor je zaradi svoje lege tem procesom zdaj še posebej izpostavljen. Iz izrazito stičnega prostora se spreminja v mejišče, iz središčnosti je postal periferija. Prispevek pojasnjuje okoliščine sodobnih selitvenih tokov predvsem v Sredozemlju in prek njega, analizira njihove vzroke in potek ter ocenjuje njihove posledice. Razdeljen je na tri dele. V prvem so prikazana nova geopolitična razmerja nastopajočega večpolarnega sveta. Za Sredozemski prostor sta značilni razširitev kriznih območij ter rastoča moč regionalnih sil, predvsem Turčije. Drugi del je namenjen prikazu mehanizma sodobnih selitev, tako ekonomskih kakor političnih. Slednje v pomembni meri postajajo orodje sodobnih geopolitik. V tretjem delu sledi razprava o posledicah novih množičnih selitev predvsem v evropskih državah. Selitve in njihovo reguliranje so povsem upravičeno postale izjemno pomembna evropska tema, ker zadevajo vprašanja identitete, varnosti in ekonomije in zaradi posrednih učinkov korenito spreminjajo evropsko družbo.
Crisis Migrations in Mediterranean Space and their European Consequences
Recent migrations are one of the most influential and therefore frequently discussed social issues. Due to its location, the Mediterranean area is particularly exposed to these processes. From a distinctly interconnected space, it changes to the frontier, and merged from central to the peripheral position. The article explains the circumstances of modern migration flows, analyzes their causes and course, and assesses their consequences. It is divided into three parts. The first shows the new geopolitical relationships of the multipolar world that is performing. The Mediterranean area is characterized by the expansion of crisis areas and the growing strength of regional forces, notably Turkey. The second part shows the mechanism of modern migrations, both economic and political. The latter become an important tool of modern geopolitics. The third part is followed by a debate on the consequences of new mass migrations, especially in European countries. Migrations and their regulation have rightly become the core European theme as they concern the questions of identity, security and economics, and because of indirect effects that might radically change European society.