Mednarodne selitve v Sloveniji in podatki o njih

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V prispevku je opisana možnost dostopanja do podatkov o mednarodnih selitvah v podatkovni bazi SI-STAT ter ob nekaterih primerih grafičnega prikaza teh podatkov z različnimi vrstami grafikonov tudi podana interpretacija čezmejnih selitvenih gibanj ter značilnosti mednarodnih selivcev v Sloveniji. Namen prispevka je tudi vzpodbuditi učitelje, da učence navajajo na rabo in obdelavo javno objavljenih statističnih podatkov.


International Migrations in Slovenia and the Data about Them

The article describes the access to data on international migration in Slovenia accessible in the SI-STAT database of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Different graphs are used in order to demonstrate different kinds of possible data representations. The interpretation of the presented graphs include some basic facts about the dynamic of international migration and characteristics of migrants. The intention of the article is also to encourage geography teachers to motivate their students for work using the available statistical data with special focus on representation and interpretation.