Migracije, integracija in diskriminacija pri pouku geografije

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V prispevku avtorica razmišlja o migracijah, njihovih vzrokih in oblikah ter stališčih politike do njih. Predstavi tudi smisel integracije in odzive okolja na le-to. Izpostavi splošne cilje učnega načrta za geografijo v splošni gimnaziji, ki se dotikajo te problematike. Predstavi pa tudi možnost argumentiranega pogovora s pomočjo de Bonove metode šestih klobukov.


Migrations, Integration and Discrimination in Geography Class

The article presents the author’s thoughts on migrations, their causes and forms as well as the political approach to migration. It reflects on the purpose of integration and environmental responses to it, highlights the general goals of the geography curriculum in grammar school touching on these issues and introduces the possibility of informed discussion based on de Bono »Six Thinking Hats method«.