V prispevku je predstavljen eden od možnih konceptov usmeritve znanosti, gospodarstva, pedagoške stroke, politike, javnosti, skratka celotne družbe v podporo vzgojno-izobraževalnim institucijam za integracijo trajnostnih vsebin in ciljev v pouk z namenom, da se poveča ozaveščenost mladih o pretirani porabi naravnih virov. Za prihodnost današnjih mladih je pomembno, da so usposobljeni za prepoznavanje podnebnih, družbenih in ekonomskih izzivov ter pripravljeni na ustrezno odzivanje nanje.
Incorporating sustainable development in education
The article presents one of the possible concepts of using science, economy, pedagogical profession, politics, public and the society as a whole to support educational institutions in integrating sustainable topics and goals in education with the aim of increasing the awareness of young people about the excessive use of natural resources. It is important for the future of youth, that they be educated and aware of climate, social and economic challenges and to be prepared to act accordingly.