Učbeniški skladi, cene in kompleti učnih gradiv

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Slovenija s politiko sofinanciranja nastajanja različnih vrst učbenikov, vzpostavljanjem ter ohranjanjem učbeniških skladov ter z vlaganji v informacijsko opremo skuša zagotoviti čim širšo dostopnost učnih sredstev. Kako država s svojimi politikami vpliva na založbe ter njihove programe nastajanja učbenikov in drugih učnih gradiv oziroma kako založbe povratno vplivajo na potrebo po financiranju učbeniških skladov s ciljem zniževanja družinskih stroškov šolanja ter zagotavljanja dostopnosti izobraževanja? O teh vprašanjih se pogosto pogovarjamo s približnimi podatki, zato smo tudi iz podatkov spletne aplikacije Trubar oblikovali pregled izborov učbenikov in delovnih zvezkov po predmetih in stopnjah osnovnošolskega izobraževanja. Iz razmerij izborov smo sestavili navidezne komplete učnih gradiv in jih opremili s podatki o cenah.


Textbook Funds, Prices and Sets of Learning Materials

With its policy of co-financing the preparation of various types of textbooks, by setting up and maintaining textbook funds, and by investing in computer resources, Slovenia is trying to ensure that teaching aids are as widely accessible as possible. How do state policies affect publishing companies and their publication programmes for textbooks and other learning materials, or how do the objectives of publishing companies of lowering the costs of schooling for families and ensuring accessible education in return affect the need for financing textbook funds? These issues are often discussed using approximate data, which is why this time data from the Trubar web application was used to create a review of the selection of textbooks and workbooks by subjects and levels of primary school education. Based on the selection ratios, sets of learning materials were made up and priced.