V prispevku pišemo o otrocih s posebnimi potrebami v predšolskem obdobju. V prvem delu so podana zakonska izhodišča o otrocih s posebnimi potrebami v predšolskem obdobju. V nadaljevanju prispevka so podani statistični podatki o vključenosti predšolskih otrok s posebnimi potrebami po programih in številu ter delež otrok s posebnimi potrebami glede na vse otroke v vrtcih. Prav tako je podan pregled števila otrok s posebnimi potrebami v programu za predšolske otroke s prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno pomočjo glede na vrsto primanjkljaja, ovire oziroma motnje v šolskih letih 2000/01 do 2014/15. Statistični podatki kažejo, da število in odstotek otrok s posebnimi potrebami v predšolskem obdobju od leta 2000 naprej iz leta v leto narašča. To je mogoče pripisati zgodnjemu odkrivanju primanjkljajev, ovir oziroma motenj, ki je pogoj za zgodnjo obravnavo in dodatno strokovno pomoč za premagovanje le-teh.
Inclusion of Children with Special Needs in Programmes for Preschool Children in the Period from 2000 to 2015
The paper discusses children with special needs in the preschool period. The first part of the paper presents the legal basis concerning children with special needs in the preschool period. The paper continues with statistical data about the inclusion of preschool children with special needs by programmes and numbers, and the proportion of children with special needs among the children in kindergartens. It also gives a review of the number of children with special needs in the programme for preschool children with adapted implementation and additional professional assistance, with regard to the type of disability, handicap or disorder, from the 2000/01 to 2014/15 school years. Statistical data shows that the number and percentage of children with special needs in the preschool period has been steadily rising since 2000. This can be attributed to the early detection of disabilities, handicaps or disorders, which is a condition for early treatment and for additional professional assistance in overcoming them.