Razredni in predmetni učitelji likovne umetnosti v osnovnih in srednjih šolah ter vzgojitelji v vrtcih so soočeni z novimi pedagoškimi izzivi. V oddelke rednih vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanov se vpisujejo otroci s posebnimi potrebami, za kar pa ti pedagogi (še) niso strokovno usposobljeni. Avtor je za njih pripravil vrsto splošnih in konkretnih utemeljitev, navodil, nasvetov in smernic, kako za te učence načrtovati, izvajati in vrednotiti pouk likovne umetnosti. Posebej opozarja, da likovni pouk ni isto kot likovna terapija.
What Colour Is the Wind? Can Colour Be Heard? Arts Education and Children with Special Needs
Arts education teachers at the primary and lower secondary level in primary and secondary schools, and kindergarten teachers are facing new pedagogical challenges. Educational institutions are enrolling children with special needs in regular classes, for which these educators are not (yet) professionally qualified. For them, the author has prepared a number of specific arguments, instructions, advice and guidelines for how to plan, implement and assess arts education lessons for said students. He points out that arts education is not the same as art therapy.