Uporabnost merskih inštrumentov za načrtovanje dela v okviru projekta Sistemski pristop k medvrstniškemu nasilju na OŠ Simona Jenka Kranj

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Pri načrtovanju dela s posameznimi skupinami učencev v vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodih, smo pogosto omejeni z viri, ki so nam na razpolago. Da bi te vire bolje izkoristili, je pomembno, da dobro poznamo izhodiščno stanje, saj lahko iste cilje dosegamo na mnogo različnih načinov. Za ugotavljanje začetnega stanja, vmesnega napredka in končne evalvacije uporabimo psihološko testiranje. V okviru projekta NašVIZ smo uporabili sedem različnih lestvic, s katerimi smo ugotavljali: pojavnost različnih oblik nasilja; razredno klimo; stopnjo agresivnosti pri učencih; čustva, ki jih doživljajo v šoli; močna in šibka področja delovanja; stališča do nasilnega vedenja. V članku predstavimo posamezne lestvice, opišemo postopek testiranja in prikažemo nekaj ključnih rezultatov (primerjava začetnega in vmesnega testiranja), ki so večinoma pozitivni. S potekom testiranja in rezultati smo na tej stopnji zadovoljni.


Applicability of Measurement Instruments to Planning Work under the Project Systemic Approach to Peer Violence at Simon Jenko Kranj Primary School

When planning our work with individual groups of students in educational institutions, we are often limited by the resources at our disposal. In order to make better use of these resources, it is imperative that we are familiar with the initial situation, because the same goals can be achieved in a number of ways. To determine the initial situation and the interim progress, and to conduct the final evaluation, we make use of psychological testing. Under the project Our Educational Institution we used seven different scales to determine: the incidence of various forms of violence; the classroom climate; the aggression level in students; the emotions they are experiencing in school; the strengths and weaknesses; and the attitudes toward violent behaviour. The article presents individual scales, describes the testing process, and gives a few key results (comparison of the initial and interim testing), which are mostly positive. We are satisfied with the course of the testing and the results at this stage.