Homoseksualnost v šoli

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Rdeča nit članka je (ne)prisotnost tematike homoseksualnosti v šoli. Pričujoča razprava obravnava vzgojne učinke vključevanja te tematike v pouk in načine, kako to čim bolj ustrezno storiti; govori o skupinah predsodkov in stereotipov, njihovem delovanju in premikih ter učinkih in se dotika koncepta pripoznanja drugega kot drugačnega. Članek povzema dve slovenski raziskavi: raziskavo o vsakdanjem življenju istospolno usmerjenih mladih v Sloveniji, ki jo je izpeljalo Društvo informacijski center Legebitra, in anketno raziskavo, ki je bila opravljena med študenti pri predmetu Gejevske in lezbične študije na Fakulteti za družbene vede. Predvsem pa članek raziskuje prisotnost tematike homoseksualnosti v osnovnošolskih učnih načrtih in njihovo upoštevanje v učbeniških kompletih.


Homosexuality in School

The main theme of the article is the (lack of) presence of the topic of homosexuality in school. This paper discusses the educational effects of incorporating this topic into lessons and the most appropriate ways of doing that; it talks about the groups of prejudice and stereotypes, how they work, shift and influence; and touches upon the concept of acknowledging another as being different. The article sums up two Slovenian research studies: the research on the everyday lives of young people with homosexual tendencies in Slovenia, which was conducted by the Association cultural, information and counselling service centre Legebitra, and a survey conducted among students of Gay and Lesbian Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences. The article researches above all the presence of the topic of homosexuality in primary school curricula and how much textbook sets abide by these curricula.