Računalniško mišljenje je ena izmed ključnih spretnosti 21. stoletja in je veliko širše kot programiranje ali poznavanje delovanja računalnikov. Računalniško mišljenje vključuje abstrakcijo, reševanje problemov, algoritmično mišljenje, prepoznavanje vzorcev, dekompozicijo, generalizacijo, in modeliranje. Da bi učenci razvili to zmožnost je potrebno večletno sistematično izobraževanje. V prispevku vsebinsko predstavljamo koncept računalniškega mišljenja in osvetlimo njegovo vlogo pri učenju in poučevanju.
Computational Thinking: What Is It and Why Do We Even Need It?
Computational thinking is one of the key skills of the 21st century and has a much broader scope than programming or being familiar with the way computers work. Computational thinking involves abstraction, problem solving, algorithmic thinking, pattern recognition, decomposition, generalisation, and modelling. It takes years of systematic education for students to develop this ability. This paper presents the contents of the concept of computational thinking and sheds light on its role in the learning and teaching process.