Članek opisuje mednarodni projekt, v katerem je sodelovalo šest držav, članic evropskega združenja institucij za izobraževanje CIDREE (Consortium of Institutions for Development and Research in Education in Europe). Glavni poudarek projekta je bil raziskati vpliv formativnega spremljanja na dvig dosežkov učencev. Države, vključene v projekt, so se usmerile na zastavljene cilje, izhajajoč iz lastnih izkušenj oziroma prioritet. Učitelji v Sloveniji so z vključevanjem formativnega spremljanja v svoj pouk spremenili način interakcije z učenci, ki so kot soustvarjalci vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa prevzeli večjo odgovornost za svoje učenje, se opremili s spretnostmi in z izkušnjami, ki jih bodo lahko uporabili v svojem življenju, ter izboljšali svoje dosežke.
Improving Pupils’ Attainment through Formative Assessment
This article describes an international project on which six countries collaborated, namely members of CIDREE (Consortium of Institutions for Development and Research in Education in Europe). The project’s main focus was to research the impact of formative assessment on improving pupils’ attainment. The countries involved in the project focused on the set objectives, basing their work on their own experiences or priorities. By incorporating formative assessment into their lessons, teachers in Slovenia have changed the way they interact with pupils who, in turn, became co-creators of the educational process, took on greater responsibility for their learning, equipped themselves with skills and experiences which will come in handy later in life, and have improved their attainment.