Da je učitelj tisti, ki učence usmerja in vodi pri doseganju učnih ciljev, je jasno oziroma celo samoumevno tako šolskim strokovnjakom kot laikom. Nekoliko manj pa se zavedamo pomena emocionalne opore, ki jo učitelj lahko nudi učencem, ter njegove pomembne vloge pri spremljanju, usmerjanju in organiziranju njihovega vrstniškega konteksta. V članku zato osvetljujemo potencial, ki ga učitelj pri tem ima, pogosto izkoriščen mnogo manj, kot bi lahko bil.
Teacher as Significant Other and as (Co-)Organiser of Peer Context: How to Accept Unconditionally and Not Burn Out
That the teacher is the one who guides pupils and leads them towards achieving the learning objectives is clear or even self-evident to school experts and laymen alike. However, we are slightly less aware of the importance of the emotional support teachers are capable of providing their pupils, and of the teachers’ important role in monitoring, guiding and organising their peer context. For this reason, the article sheds light on the teacher’s potential, which is often utilised much less than it could be.