Razvoj pojma število in številskih predstav je kompleksen in dolgotrajen proces. V učnem načrtu za matematiko so cilji o naravnih številih razporejeni po vertikali od 1. do 5. razreda. Številske predstave razumemo kot intuitiven občutek o številih in odnosih med njimi. Predstave dojemamo kot mentalne slike, ki si jih pridobimo z izkušenjskim učenjem. Dejavnosti za razvoj pojma in predstav slonijo na miselnih procesih, razvoju lastnih strategij in delu s konkretnim materialom ter njihovo grafično predstavitvijo. Na koncu učenci spoznajo simbole za števila in njihove odnose, kar je že abstraktna raven znanja. Prispevek predstavlja nekatera strokovna dognanja o razvoju številskih predstav, principe in vidike, ki podpirajo ta koncept, ter dejavnosti, ki učencem pomagajo razvijati kardinalnost in subitizacijo pri manjših številih in razumevanje mestnih vrednosti pri izgradnji števil od 100 do milijona.
Building the Concept of Numerical Perception and the Concept of Number
The development of the concept of number and of numerical perception is a complex and lengthy process. In the Mathematics Curriculum the objectives relating to natural numbers are distributed along the vertical from years 1 through 5. Numerical perception is seen as an intuitive feeling about numbers and the relationships between them. Percepts are perceived as mental images acquired through experiential learning. Activities for developing concepts and percepts are based on mental processes, the development of one’s own strategies, the handling of concrete materials and their graphic presentation. Lastly, pupils learn the symbols for numbers and their relationships, which constitutes an abstract level of knowledge. The article presents certain expert findings on the development of numerical perception, the principles and aspects that support this concept, and the activities which help pupils to develop cardinality and subitization in the case of smaller numbers, and an understanding of place values when building numbers from 100 to a million.