Praznični tehniški dan na daljavo

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V naravi je moč kadarkoli najti naravne materiale, s katerimi lahko ustvarjamo. Če na sprehodih opazujemo okolico in jo doživljamo z vsemi čuti, dobimo navdih in ideje, kaj bi lahko izdelali z najrazličnejšimi elementi žive ali nežive narav. V prispevku je predstavljen tehniški dan z naslovom Praznični izdelki iz naravnih materialov, ki je potekal v 2. razredu v času pouka na daljavo. Predstavljena je ustreznost izbire naravnih materialov, kako je potekal pouk na daljavo in celoten potek dneva dejavnosti od samega načrtovanja do izvedbe tehniškega dne. V zaključku je predstavljena kratka analiza in odzivi učencev o poteku tehniškega dne.


Holiday Technical Activity Day at a Distance

In nature we can always find natural materials with which we can create things. If we observe our surroundings when taking a walk, and if we experience them with all the senses, we draw inspiration and ideas for what we could make from the diverse elements of animate or inanimate nature. The article presents a technical activity day called Holiday Products Made from Natural Materials, which was held in Year 2 during distance education. It shows how suitable the chosen natural materials were; how distance education was carried out, and the entire course of the activity day from the planning stage to the implementation of the technical activity day. The conclusion gives a brief analysis and the pupils’ reactions to the course of the technical activity day.