Povezanost prijateljstva v mladostništvu s socialno sprejetostjo in osamljenostjo

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V naši raziskavi so sodelovali dijaki gimnazij in srednjih poklicnih šol. Ugotovili smo zmerno pozitivno povezanost med socialno sprejetostjo, vključenostjo v vzajemno prijateljstvo in številom vzajemnih prijateljstev v razredu. Dijaki brez vzajemnih prijateljstev v razredu, z manjšim številom vzajemnih prijateljstev v razredu in s prijateljstvi nižje kakovosti občutijo v prijateljskih odnosih manj naklonjenosti, intimnosti, zaupanja, varnosti, spodbud, pomoči in so zato bolj osamljeni. Prav tako so bolj osamljeni tisti, ki so slabše socialno sprejeti s strani sošolcev. Dijakinje so imele kakovostnejša prijateljstva kot dijaki.


Correlation between Friendship in Adolescence and Social Acceptance and Loneliness

The present survey involved students of general secondary schools and vocational secondary schools. A moderate positive correlation has been determined between social acceptance, involvement in a reciprocal friendship, and the number of reciprocal friends in the class. Secondary school students without reciprocal friendships in the class, with a smaller number of reciprocal friendships in the class, and with lower-quality friendships feel less affection, intimacy, trust, safety, encouragement and help in their friendly relationships and are consequently lonelier. Also lonelier are those who are not as well accepted socially by their classmates. The friendships of female secondary school students were of higher quality than those of the male students.