Kako napisati poročilo o otroku s posebnimi potrebami?

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V članku so predstavljene smernice za pisanje poročil o otroku s posebnimi potrebami ali s sumom na posebne potrebe. Strokovni delavci vrtca ali šole pišejo poročila, ki so namenjena staršem, zunanjim strokovnim sodelavcem, ki soodločajo o programu izobraževanja in/ali upravičenosti do usmerjanja, individualizaciji dela in dodatnih storitvah. Najpomembnejši del poročila so sklepne ugotovitve, mnenje, priporočila in prav tem smo namenili več primerov. Razumljive informacije tvorijo celoto in bralcu omogočajo razumevanje sklepnih ugotovitev, priporočil in zaključnega mnenja. Vse to prispeva k učinkovitosti in končnemu cilju: ukrepom v otrokovo korist.


How to Write a Report on a Child with Special Needs

The article offers guidelines on how to write a report on a child with special needs or a child suspected of having special needs. Professional workers in a kindergarten or school write reports for parents and external professional colleagues who are included in the decisions on education programmes and/or eligibility for guidance, individualisation of work and additional services. There are more examples of how to write the conclusions, the opinion and the recommendations, as these are the most important parts of the report. Information that is understandable represents the whole and allows the reader to understand the final conclusions, recommendations and opinion. This contributes to greater efficiency and the final objective: measures that benefit the child.