Tekmovanje v odpiranju fizikalnih sefov »Videl, premislil, odklenil!« ima v Sloveniji že več kot desetletno tradicijo, mednarodno tekmovanje v Izraelu (»The Shalhevet Freier Physics Tournament«) pa že več kot četrtstoletno. Zaradi epidemije je tekmovanje zadnji dve leti potekalo na daljavo. Kljub težkim razmeram za delo uspejo najvztrajnejše skupine izdelati sef in se udeležiti tekmovanja.
Physical Safe Cracking Competition during the Epidemic
The physical safe cracking competition “Videl, premislil, odklenil!” has more than ten years of tradition in Slovenia, and the international competition in Israel (“The Shalhevet Freier Physics Tournament”) has been taking place for more than a quarter of a century. Due to the epidemic, a virtual competition was held in the last two years. Despite the difficult working conditions, the most persistent groups manage to make a safe and take part in the competition.