V času pisanja tega članka mineva že več kot leto dni, odkar smo na vseh šolah pri vseh predmetih in dobesedno čez noč vpeljali nov način učenja in poučevanja – pouk na daljavo. Leto dni je dovolj dolg časovni interval, da je smiselno pogledati nazaj in razmisliti o tem, kaj smo se naučili. V zapisu sem zbral nekaj osnovnih izkušenj s poukom na daljavo pri izvajanju predmeta Didaktika fizike za študente na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko Univerze v Ljubljani. Številne ideje, ki sem jih pri pouku na daljavo uporabil, sem dobil od učiteljev fizike v šolah doma in po svetu pa tudi od študentov, ki jih poučujem.
Reflection after a Year of Remote Teaching
At the time of writing this article, over a year has passed since a new way of learning and teaching was introduced practically overnight in all schools for all subjects – remote learning and teaching. One year is a long enough time period to look back and reflect on what we have learnt. In the article, I present some of the main experiences that I obtained implementing the remote teaching and learning at the Didactics of Physics classes for the students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana. Several ideas that I used in remote teaching came from Slovenian and other physics teachers as well as from my students.