Pouk na daljavo je vsem prinesel veliko novih in neznanih izzivov. Hkrati pa smo dobili možnost za odkrivanje novih načinov poučevanja in podajanja povratnih informacij ter preverjanja in ocenjevanja znanja. Izkazalo se je, da delo na daljavo in uporaba spleta, aplikacij in platform, prinaša odlično priložnost za udejanjanje nekaterih elementov in z njimi povezanih aktivnosti formativnega spremljanja. V prispevku jih vam bom prikazala nekaj.
Different Methods of Assessing Knowledge and Collecting Evidence of Learning in Mathematics Distance Learning
Distance learning has brought many new and previously unknown challenges to all of us. At the same time, it gave us the opportunity to discover new ways of teaching the subject matter, providing feedback, and assessing knowledge. It turns out that distance learning and using the Internet, applications and platforms has provided us with an excellent opportunity to implement certain elements and the corresponding formative assessment activities. The paper will demonstrate a few of these.