V prispevku je predstavljena uporaba didaktične igre dapoma v 3. vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju. Učenci 8. razreda Osnovne šole Videm so pri izbirnem predmetu matematične delavnice izdelali didaktično igro, ki se zgleduje po dapomi, le da je spremenjena vsebina. Tako je v prispevku natančneje predstavljena izdelava igre, njena uporaba in ugotovitve ob uporabi igre. Vse to je predstavljeno z namenom, da učitelji in drugi spoznajo, kako je lahko ta didaktična igra primerna tudi za matematične vsebine 3. vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja ter kako lahko igro dapoma in njene različice učinkovito vpeljemo v pouk.
Using Draughts as a Didactic Game in the Last Triad of Primary School Education
The article introduces the use of draughts as a didactic game in the last triad of primary school education.
Eighth grade students of the Videm Primary School created a didactic game during their selective mathematics workshop class, inspired by draughts but with a different content. The article describes the creation of the game in more detail, as well as its use and the findings from its use. This is presented with the intention of demonstrating to teachers and others how this didactic game can be applied to the mathematical content of the last triad, and how draughts, including different versions of this game, can be efficiently implemented in class.