Onesnaževanje oceanov in učiteljeva vloga pri tem po STEM korakih

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Težava, ki se jo v globalnem smislu vsako leto intenzivneje raziskuje in ki ima z vsakim dnem večji vpliv na
naše življenjsko okolje, je onesnaževanje. Dejstva kažejo, da vsako leto na svetu proizvedemo več plastične embalaže, pločevink itd. Kot posledica nepravilnega razvrščanja odpadkov in ozaveščanja pomena o tem se v morjih in na kopnem zbira na milijone kosov plastike in drugih smeti. Prispevek govori o tem, kako ozavestiti osnovnošolce o zbiranju, recikliranju in ponovni uporabi odpadne embalaže. Opisane so ure tehniškega dne, ki so potekale po korakih STEM priprave oz. 6E MODELU »Engineering Design Cycle«. Učenci so s pomočjo programa za delo s preglednicami računali s količinami odpadkov za obdobje 10 dni v njihovem gospodinjstvu. Sledilo je računanje količine odpadkov v občini Škocjan. Za preprečevanje oz. zmanjševanje uporabe plastike smo izdelovali izdelke iz zbranih odpadkov, kot so šah, posode za rože, peresnice in torbice ter plakate s sporočili za ozaveščanje o nastalem stanju ter konkretnih ukrepih za zmanjšanje odpadkov doma.


Ocean Pollution and teacher‘s Role Based on STEM Steps

Pollution is a problem that has been researched globally more and more intensely over the recent years and whose impact on our living environment is increasing every day. Evidence shows that global plastic production is growing every year and, as a consequence of improper waste segregation and lack of awareness of its importance, millions of tons of plastic waste are being accumulated in seas and oceans. The article introduces ways of introducing primary school students to activities such as collecting, recycling and reusing waste packaging materials and describes the Technical Day classes performed based on STEM steps and 6E MODEL »Engineering Design Cycle«. Students worked with a program using spreadsheets to calculate waste quantities for the period of 10 days in their households. This was followed by a calculation of waste quantities in the municipality of Škocjan for different time periods. In order to prevent or reduce the use of plastic packaging, we created products from the collected waste, e.g. chess, flower pots, pencil cases, bags and posters, with messages about the current situation and applicable measures to reduce waste at home.