Zaradi epidemije koronavirusne bolezni in posledičnega zaprtja vseh vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodov smo bili tudi učitelji glasbenih inštrumentov soočeni z novimi načini poučevanja. Individualni pouk je zadovoljivo rešil videoklic, težave pa ostajajo pri komorni in orkestrski igri. Na Glasbeni šoli Črnomelj smo pri godalnem orkestru pripravili projekt, pri katerem vsi učenci skupaj zaigrajo v sestavljenem posnetku. Kljub uspešni realizaciji se pojavljajo dvomi v smiselnost takšnih projektov in iskanje alternativnih rešitev.
Experience with Distance Teaching in Music School and Making a Video of a String Orchestra
Owing to the epidemic of the COVID-19 coronavirus disease and the resulting closure of all educational institutions, we, musical instruments teachers, were confronted with new modes of teaching. Video calls were a satisfactory solution for one-on-one lessons whereas the playing of chamber and orchestral music remained a problem. The Črnomelj Music School prepared a project for the string orchestra in which all the pupils play together in a video montage. Despite the successful realization, doubts have arisen whether such projects are sensible and alternative solutions are being sought.