Članek v dveh delih prinaša podroben prikaz življenja in dela skrivnostnega indijskega matematičnega genija S. A. Ramanujana, ki vse od leta 1920 dalje navdušuje mlade Indijce za matematiko. Drugi del se osredotoči na obdobje v Angliji, pri čemer se začne z matematiko v pismih, konča pa z zadnjim Ramanujanovim delom v Indiji. Članek obeležuje njegovo minulo 130. obletnico rojstva in prihajajočo 100. obletnico smrti, učiteljem pa ponudi zgodbo, da z njo lahko navdušijo tudi slovensko mladino za učenje in raziskovanje matematike.
Srinivasa Aiyangar Ramanujan (1887–1920) – Part 2
The main thrust of this two-part article is a detailed account of the life and work of S. A. Ramanujan. Ever since 1920, this mysterious Indian mathematical genius has inspired young Indians to study mathematics. The second part focuses on the genius’ life in England, the novel mathematical ideas he shared in his letters as well as Ramanujan’s final work in India. The article marks the recent 130th anniversary of Ramanujan’s birth and the forthcoming centennial of his death. In addition, it provides a wealth of information for Slovenian teachers, who can use it to excite future generations of their students to learn and research mathematics.