Turnir mladih fizikov (angl. Young Physicists‘ Tournament – YPT) je tekmovanje, na katerem srednješolci tekmujejo v proučevanju, predstavitvi in preverjanju rezultatov vnaprej izbranih fizikalnih problemov. Zajema vse, kar mora zajeti znanstvena raziskava. Njegova posebnost je, da morajo ekipe svoje ugotovitve zagovarjati pred drugimi ekipami srednješolcev. Do izraza prideta primerjava meritev z rezultati modelov (teorije), kjer so izrazite merske nedoločenosti, in skladnost z osnovnimi fizikalnimi zakoni (ohranitveni zakoni, Newtonovi zakoni …). Vlogo ocenjevalca ima tretja ekipa srednješolcev, ki mora ovrednotiti razpravo. Te dejavnosti spodbujajo visoke kognitivne ravni, ki so pri tradicionalnem pouku pogosto zapostavljene. V članku predstavim koncept tekmovanja, naše izkušnje s tekmovalci in naše predloge, kako tako obliko dela vključiti v redno delo v razredu.
How about a YPT in Class?
Young Physicists’ Tournament (YPT) is a competition in which secondary school students compete in researching, presenting and verifying the results of preselected physics problems. It comprises all that a scientific research study should comprise. What makes it special is that the teams have to defend their findings before other teams of secondary school students. It thus highlights the importance of comparing measurements with the results of models (theory), where measurement uncertainties are prominent, and the importance of compliance with the fundamental laws of physics (conservation laws, Newton’s laws, etc.). A third team of secondary school students plays the role of judge and has to evaluate the debate. Such activities stimulate the high cognitive levels, which are often neglected in traditional lessons. This article presents the concept of the competition, experiences with competitors, and suggestions for integrating this work method into regular classroom activities.