Astronomski tabor v srednji šoli

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V članku se seznanimo z organizacijo in vsebino astronomskih dogodkov na srednji šoli. Opozorimo na ključne probleme pri organizaciji teh dogodkov. Obravnavamo enodnevne in večdnevne tabore. Posebno obravnavamo organizacijo enkratnih dogodkov: Sončevi in Lunini mrki ter prehodi planetov preko Sončeve ploskve (Merkur, Venera).


Astronomy Camp in Secondary School

This article presents the organisation and contents of Astronomy events held at a secondary school. It points out the key problems in organising these events. It discusses one-day and multi-day camps. It especially discusses the organisation of unique events: solar and lunar eclipses, and the transit of planets across the face of the Sun (Mercury, Venus).