Znanje poštevanke, priklic matematičnih dejstev, štetje v zaporedju, postopki računskih operacij … je le nekaj šibkih področji, s katerimi se srečujejo učenci z učnimi težavami pri matematiki in imajo pomemben vpliv ne le na znanje učenca, ampak tudi na učenčevo samopodobo in motivacijo za učenje matematike. S poznavanjem težav, s katerimi se soočajo učenci z učnimi težavami, upoštevanjem dobre poučevalne prakse in z uporabo ustreznih tehničnih in drugih pripomočkov, lahko znatno zmanjšamo učinek učnih težav na razvijanje matematičnih kompetenc. S tem namenom smo pripravili prispevek, ki v prvem delu predstavi učne težave pri matematiki, pri čemer smo izpostavili aritmetične učne težave in diskalkulijo. V drugem delu smo pripravili naloge, ki so oblikovane na način, ki omogočajo preverjanje in ocenjevanje znanja učencev z uporabo žepnega računala. Računalo smo prikazali kot tehnični pripomoček, ki omogoča učenčevo osredotočenost na reševanje problema in zmanjša vpliv učnih težav na pravilnost reševanja. Pri tem ne smemo pozabiti, da so uspešne oblike poučevanja, s katerimi učenci z učnimi težavami dosežejo boljše znanje, koristne tudi za ostale učence.
Calculator Use by Students with Learning Difficulties
The multiplication table, recalling mathematical facts, counting in order and mathematical operations processes are only a few of the weaknesses demonstrated by students with learning difficulties in mathematics that have an important effect not only on the student’s knowledge but also on their self-image and motivation to learn mathematics. Knowing the problems students with learning difficulties are faced with, following good teaching practices and using appropriate technical and other tools can significantly reduce the effect of learning difficulties on the development of mathematical competences. For this purpose, we prepared the article which in the first part introduces mathematics learning difficulties with an emphasis on arithmetic learning difficulties and dyscalculia. The second part includes tasks created in a way that enables students to verify their results by using the calculator. The calculator is presented as a technical tool that helps the student focus on problem solving and reduces the effect of learning difficulties on the accuracy of results. When applying this approach, we should keep in mind that all teaching methods helping students with learning difficulties can be beneficial for other students, too.