V prispevku predstavljam posebne vzgojno-izobraževalne potrebe otrok, opisujem tipe in podskupine učnih težav, natančneje učence s splošnimi in specifičnimi učnimi težavami, predstavljam zakonske osnove vzgoje in izobraževanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami in učencev z učnimi težavami pri matematiki ter otrokove pravice. Poudarjam vlogo učitelja matematike v modelu pomoči ter učno okolje kot varovalni dejavnik pri delu z učenci z učnimi težavami. Soustvarjanje pojmuje projekt pomoči učencu z učnimi težavami kot proces, v katerem je treba opredeliti in raziskovati učenčevo znanje in potrebe ter elemente, ki jih je treba zagotoviti v učnem okolju. Prispevek zaključujem s priporočili za soustvarjanje spodbudnega učnega okolja za učence z učnimi težavami pri matematiki.
Co-Creating a Stimulating Learning Environment for Pupils with Learning Difficulties in Mathematics
The paper presents the special educational needs of children; describes the types and subgroups of learning difficulties or, more precisely, pupils with general and specific learning difficulties; presents the legal basis for the education of children with special needs and of pupils with learning difficulties in mathematics; and presents children’s rights. It emphasises the role of the mathematics teacher in the assistance model and the learning environment as a protective factor in working with pupils with learning difficulties. Co-creation views the project of assisting a pupil with learning difficulties as a process in which we must define and examine the pupil’s knowledge and needs, and the elements which must be provided in the learning environment. The paper concludes with recommendations for co-creating a stimulating learning environment for pupils with learning difficulties in mathematics.