Opisane so goriške, ljubljanske in graške razmere matematika Močnika. Izpostavljene tedanje okoliščine, ugodne za rast Frančevega matematičnega genija. V Ljubljani je najprej študiral, dve desetletji pozneje pa se je tja vrnil kot visok pedagoški funkcionar. Prispevek obravnava njegove učitelje in doslej neznani dokument o krstu prvorojenke matematika Franca Močnika.
Knight of Mathematics and His Companions
The circumstances in the towns of Gorizia, Ljubljana, and Graz in Močnik’s time were a blessing for the development of his mathematical genius. He was in Ljubljana first as a student and again two decades later as a newly-married man in a high-ranking pedagogical position. The achievements of Močnik’s teachers are discussed, and the baptismal certificate of mathematician Franc Močnik’s firstborn daughter is described for the first time.