Beseda matematika izhaja iz antike in pomeni znanost, učenje in celo ljubezen do učenja. Razumemo jo kot znanstveno vedo, ki raziskuje vzorce in pri tem zahteva poznavanje abstraktnih lastnosti množin, struktur, sprememb in prostora. Za obvladovanje tovrstnih informacij je ključno, da posedujemo matematične kompetence. Nekatere so nam vrojene – biološko dane, druge pa razvijemo pod vplivi okolja. V članku predstavimo definicijo matematičnih kompetenc in njihov pomen za vsakdanje življenje. Obvladovanje matematike namreč pomeni v današnjem svetu možnost akademskega udejstvovanja, boljši zaslužek in celo višji BDP na nacionalnem nivoju. Pomeni lahko celo razliko med življenjem in boleznijo. Pri procesiranju informacij, ki so ključne za obvladovanje matematičnih kompetenc, sodelujejo specifični, posebej temu namenjeni predeli možganov. V članku jih na kratko predstavimo.
V članku razpravljamo o vplivih razvoja na sposobnost matematičnega mišljenja. Matematične kompetence povezujemo z zgodnjimi zaznavnimi in gibalnimi izkušnjami, telesno shemo in celo s socialno-čustvenimi kompetencami, ki smo jih razvili v otroštvu znotraj družine. Ocenjevanje številčnosti neke skupine, primerjanje dveh vrednosti ali količin ter osnovno dodajanje ali odvzemanje so biološko določene sposobnosti, ki so prirojene ljudem in nekaterim živalim. Kasneje v razvoju občutek za količino nadgradimo pod vplivom okolja, zlasti formalnega učenja, z uporabo števk, simboličnim učenjem in učenjem algoritmov. Razumevanje temeljnih principov osvajanja matematičnih veščin nam pomaga otrokom približati matematiko na načine, ki so skladni z njihovim razvojem in delovanjem možganov.
Development of Mathematical Competences
The word ‘mathematics’ comes from Antiquity and means science, learning, and even the love of learning. It is understood as a scientific discipline, which studies patterns and requires knowledge of the abstract properties of quantities, structures, changes, and space. In order to master such information, we must possess mathematical competences. Some of them are innate – biologically given, whereas others are developed under the influence of the environment. The article presents the definition of mathematical competences and their importance in everyday life. In today’s world, the mastery of mathematics provides the opportunity to be academically active, have a higher income, and even a higher GDP at the national level. It can even mean the difference between life and illness. When processing information that is crucial for mastering mathematical competences, specific areas of the brain are involved, which are intended for this purpose. The article briefly describes them. The article discusses the impact of development on the ability to think mathematically. Mathematical competences are connected with early sensory and movement experiences, with the body scheme, and even with the social and emotional competences that we developed within our family during childhood. Estimating the numbers within a group, comparing two values or quantities, and basic addition or subtraction are biologically determined abilities, which are innate to humans and certain animals. In our subsequent development, we upgrade our sense of quantity under the influence of the environment, especially of formal learning, by using digits, symbolic learning, and the learning of algorithms. The understanding of the basic principles of learning mathematical skills helps us to present mathematics to children in ways that are suitable for their stage of development and brain function.