V prispevku smo obravnavali razlike v izobraževalnih dosežkih med učenci s posebnimi potrebami in učenci z značilnim razvojem pri predmetu matematika na nacionalnem preverjanju znanja. Kljub temu da imajo učenci s posebnimi potrebami na voljo številne prilagoditve pri pisanju, so bili njihovi dosežki na nacionalnem preverjanju znanja iz matematike v posameznih letih tudi za več kot 30 odstotnih točk nižji od dosežkov značilne populacije. Glede na to, da podatke o dosežkih pri nacionalnem preverjanju znanja praviloma prikazujemo za celotno populacijo, nizki dosežki učencev s posebnimi potrebami vplivajo tudi na izračun povprečnih dosežkov celotne populacije. Primerjava dosežkov učencev s posebnimi potrebami na nacionalnem preverjanju znanja z zaključnimi ocenami v 9. razredu pa postavlja pod vprašaj realnost njihovih šolskih ocen.
Students with Special Needs and Their Attainment in the National Mathematics Examination
The paper discusses the differences in educational attainment among students with special needs and students with typical development in the subject of mathematics at the national examination. Despite the fact that students with special needs take the test with many adjustments, their attainment in the national mathematics examination in specific years was over 30 percentage points lower than that of the typical population. In light of the fact that the data on attainment in the national examination are generally shown for the entire population, the low attainment of students with special needs also affects the calculation of the average attainment of the entire population. The comparison between the attainment of students with special needs in the national examination and their final marks in the 9th grade raises doubts as to whether their school marks are realistic.