Merjenje časa je ena izmed matematičnih veščin, ki jo najpogosteje uporabljamo v vsakdanjem življenju in se je zaradi abstraktnosti in večpomenskosti v vsakdanjem življenju težko naučimo. Številni učenci z učnimi težavami težko razumejo pojem časa in počasneje usvajajo enote za merjenje časa. Obvladovanje le-teh pa je ključnega pomena za uspeh tako na šolskem področju kot v vsakdanjem življenju. V prispevku predstavljamo strategije in metode dela usvajanja enot za merjenje časa za učence z učnimi težavami.
Students with Special Needs and Their Attainment in the National Mathematics Examination
Measuring time is a mathematical skill that is used the most in everyday life; due to its abstract and polysemous nature, it is very hard to learn in everyday life. Many students with learning difficulties find it harder to grasp the concept of time and take longer to learn units of time. Mastery of the latter is of key importance for success, both in school and in everyday life. The paper presents the work strategies and methods for teaching students with learning difficulties units of time.