Seminar Kodály moves to Maribor – poučevanje glasbe po metodi Zoltána Kodálya

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V prispevku je opisano poučevanje glasbe po metodi Zoltána Kodálya, predstavljeno na seminarju Kodály moves to Maribor na Pedagoški fakulteti Maribor leta 2019.
Opisani so konkretni učni primeri s seminarskim gradivom s poudarkom na razvoju intonacije, melodičnega, harmoničnega in ritmičnega posluha, slušnega in analitičnega zaznavanja, motoričnih spretnosti, bralne sposobnosti in dojemljivosti za matematične koncepte. Udeleženci seminarja so bili z vsebino, oblikami in metodami dela zadovoljni.


Seminar Kodály moves to Maribor – Teaching Music with the Kodály Method

The article describes the music education method developed by Zoltán Kodály, introduced at the seminar Kodály Moves to Maribor, which took place at the Faculty of Education, University of Maribor, in 2019.
The description includes specific learning examples with the material from the seminar, with an emphasis on the development of intonation, melodic, harmonic and rhythmic tone, hearing and analytic perception, motoric skills, reading abilities and perceptiveness for mathematical concepts. Seminar attendees were satisfied with the content, forms and methods of work.