Metoda Alfreda A. Tomatisa – njena uporaba in učinki pri učencih v glasbeni šoli

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Članek predstavlja metodo Tomatis in raziskave, ki so bile narejene na tem področju. V sklopu projekta Po kreativni poti do znanja (PKP) smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšni so učinki uporabe te metode na učence, ki obiskujejo glasbeno šolo. Poskušali smo se osredotočiti na učence, ki imajo motnje pozornosti ali specifične učne težave. V primerjavi z mednarodnim prostorom je metoda Tomatis v slovenskem prostoru skromno zastopana in manj poznana. Po končani raziskavi lahko trdimo, da je izvedena metoda na udeležence pozitivno vplivala predvsem pri zbranosti in pozornosti.


Alfred A. Tomatis Method – Its Application and Effects on Music School Students

The article introduces the Tomatis Method and the research carried out in this area. The purpose of the PKP project was to determine the effects of the Tomatis Method on music school students, where the focus was on the students with an attention deficit disorder or specific learning difficulties. In Slovenia, the Tomatis Method is still relatively unknown and not often used, compared to other countries. Based on the research, it can be concluded that the method had positive effects on the participants, especially on their attention and focus.