Ena od sprememb v šolstvu, ki je zaznamovala 20. stoletje, je premik pozornosti od učitelja k učencu oziroma od posredovanja znanja k učenju. Članek bo ta premik poskušal osvetliti z dveh perspektiv. Najprej iz osebne učiteljske izkušnje, ki je vsebovala spremembo poudarka od vednosti, ki jo je treba posredovati, na dijake, za katere mora ta vednost postati smiselna in relevantna. Potem bo pokazal, kako govor o paradigmatskem premiku od učitelja na učenca lahko zavaja, saj reducira situacijo v razredu na preprosto opozicijo. Govor, ki se opira na dualizme in pojmovne opozicije, pa ne more primerno zajeti kompleksne strukture odnosov v razredu in vloge učitelja v njih. Pomembna naloga kritičnega mišljenja je premislek pojmovnih opozicij, ki se spontano pojavljajo v govoru o šoli in mestu učitelja v njej.
The Student Is at the Centre, but Where Is the Teacher?
One of the changes in the education system that has marked the 20th century is the shift of focus from the teacher to the student or from passing on knowledge to learning. The article will attempt to shed light on this shift from two perspectives. Firstly, from the personal experience of a teacher whose focus shifted from the knowledge that had to be passed on to the secondary school students for whom this knowledge must become sensible and relevant. Afterwards, the article will demonstrate how talking about a paradigmatic shift from the teacher to the student can be misleading because it reduces the classroom situation to mere opposition. When talking about dualisms and conceptual oppositions, we cannot fully encompass the complex structure of relationships within the class and the teacher’s role in them. An important task of critical thinking is contemplating the conceptual oppositions that spontaneously appear when talking about school and the teacher’s role in it.