V psihologiji je veliko znanega o humorju nasploh, primanjkuje pa študij o njem v pedagoškem kontekstu. Z raziskavo smo preučili, kako se zaznave dijakov o učiteljevem stilu humorja povezujejo z njihovim psihičnim blagostanjem, učno motivacijo in zaznano razredno klimo. Sodelovalo je 220 dijakov in 50 učiteljev iz petih ljubljanskih gimnazij. Rezultati so pokazali, da dijaki pri učiteljih najpogosteje zaznavajo oba konstruktivna stila humorja (povezovalni in samookrepitveni) ter da sta ta pomembno povezana z njihovim večjim psihičnim zadovoljstvom, višjo motivacijo in boljšo razredno klimo. Zaznani agresivni stil humorja pri učitelju pa se povezuje z nižjim psihičnim zadovoljstvom dijakov in slabšo razredno klimo.
Teacher’s Sense of Humour in Relation to Classroom Climate, Mental Satisfaction and Learning Motivation of Secondary School Students
Psychology has learnt a great deal about humour in general but there is a lack of studies on humour within the pedagogical context. The study has examined how the perceptions of secondary school students regarding the teacher’s sense of humour relate to their mental well-being, their learning motivation and the perceived classroom climate. The survey encompassed 220 students and 50 teachers from fi ve general secondary schools in Ljubljana. The results have shown that secondary school students most often notice both constructive humour styles (affiliative and self-enhancing) in teachers and that these two styles are strongly correlated with their greater mental satisfaction, higher motivation and a better classroom climate. The aggressive humour style observed in a teacher correlates with students’ lower mental satisfaction and a poorer classroom climate.