Prispevek prikazuje razvoj VITR v izobraževanju odraslih po letu 2007 in ugotavlja slabo odzivnost na okoljske probleme in usmeritve mednarodnih dokumentov in slovenske prakse. Raziskave na tem področju in sinergije med izobraževalnimi institucijami in kakovostnimi praksami VITR manjkajo. Zato je dodan opis primera hitrega in preciznega odziva na okoljsko motnjo. Sinergije so torej mogoče in jih spodbujajo potrebe, pa tudi globalne smernice. Klasični kazalniki izobraževanja (ravni izobrazbe ali stopnji udeležbe v izobraževanju) so za VITR le omejene vrednosti, zato predlagamo njihov nadaljnji razvoj, pa tudi cilje in metode, ki so se izkazali za ustrezne. Potrebna bosta vztrajnost in pogum za nadaljevanje dobrih praks ter preusmeritev izobraževanja v podporo pravilnim in hitrim odločitvam ob soočanju z motnjami v ekosistemih.
Responsiveness Is an Element of Sustainability
View of Education for Sustainable Development from the Perspective of Adult Education
The paper shows the advancement of education for sustainable development in the field of adult education after 2007 and finds that it is insufficiently responsive to environmental problems and to the policies of international documents and of Slovenian practice. Research into this issue and synergies between educational institutions and quality practices in education for sustainable development are lacking. For this reason, a fast and precise response to an environmental disturbance has been described. Synergies are therefore possible and are encouraged by needs and by global guidelines. The classic indicators of education (of the education level or degree of participation in education) are of limited value to education for sustainable development, which is why their further development is proposed, as well as the goals and methods which have proved suitable. It will take perseverance and courage to continue the good practices and to redirect education towards making right and fast decisions when dealing with disturbances in ecosystems.