Prispevek se osredotoča na pomen in vpliv odnosa med učiteljem in učencem. Ob tem je poudarjen pomen čustvene regulacije. Teoretična izhodišča so prenešena v interpersonalno dinamiko med učiteljem in učencem ter prikazana s praktičnimi primeri inštrumentalnega pouka. Spoznanja kažejo, da je interpersonalna dinamika med učiteljem in učencem med inštrumentalnim poukom najmočnejši dejavnik uspešnega poučevanja in učenja.
Relationship between Teacher and Student throughout the Educational Process in Music School
The article focuses on the importance and impact of the relationship between a teacher and a student. It emphasizes the importance of emotion regulation. The theoretical background is transferred to the interpersonal dynamics between a teacher and a student, and demonstrated with practical examples of musical instrument lessons. Findings show that the interpersonal dynamics between a teacher and a student during musical instrument lessons is the most powerful factor in successful teaching and learning.