V praksi ugotavljam, da včasih učence s specifičnimi učnimi težavami (SUT) pozno prepoznamo in jim zato pozno zagotovimo potrebno pomoč. Znano je, da imajo učenci s specifičnimi učnimi težavami poleg težav z učno uspešnostjo na posameznih področjih lahko zaradi pozne strokovne obravnave težave tudi na področju strategij učenja in čustvene težave. Pri učencih s specifičnimi učnimi težavami se pogosto pojavljajo tudi težave z izvršilnimi funkcijami, ki lahko neugodno delujejo na njihovo motivacijo za učenje in šolsko delo. S pomočjo ustreznih presejalnih preizkusov, ki bi jih sistematično izvajali pri učencih, bi lahko zgodaj prepoznali učence, ki kažejo specifične učne težave, in zanje načrtovali prilagoditve in podporne dejavnosti, s katerimi bi lahko omilili izrazitost njihovih učnih težav ter preventivno delovali, da se njihovim obstoječim težavam ne bi pridružile nove.
The Role of the School Consultant in Identifying Students’ Learning Disabilities: A Systematic Approach
In some cases, children with specific learning disabilities (SLD) are identified as such rather late and are therefore not given the support they need. It is known that children with SLD have difficulty in achieving academic success. When professional help for these children is delayed, problems with their learning strategies as well as emotional difficulties can also be expected. Executive functions can also be impaired in children with SLD. They can influence their learning motivation and school work. Application of adequate systematic screening tests in children would enable early identification of children with SLD, which would assure that these children are provided with assistance and adjustments in order to minimise their disabilities and further prevent the development of associated disabilities.