Prispevek govori o povezavi med zasebnostjo, anonimnostjo in integriteto posameznika v digitalni dobi in kako omenjene pojme obravnavati pri pouku. Ker sta tako integriteta kot tudi zasebnost zelo kompleksna pojma, si lahko pri pouku pomagamo z uporabo zgodb, etičnih dilem in miselnih eksperimentov. Kot primer uporabe miselnega eksperimenta predstavljamo Platonovo zgodbo o Gigesovem prstanu, ki nam služi kot prikaz, kako delujemo, če imamo možnost delovati nemoralno naskrivaj. Prav tako lahko zgodbo o Gigesovem prstanu povežemo s sodobnim pojavom sovražnega govora na spletu, kjer se zaradi anonimnosti in nevidnosti pojavlja vedno več možnosti za neodgovorno razširjanje sovražnosti, nestrpnosti ter poseganja v zasebnost in integriteto posameznika.
What would you do if you were invisible?
The paper discusses the connection between privacy, anonymity and the integrity of the individual in the digital age and how to address these concepts in the classroom. Because both integrity and privacy are very complex concepts we can help ourselves in the classroom by using stories, ethical dilemmas, and thought experiments. As an example of the use of thought experimentation, we present Plato’s story of the Ring of Gyges which serves as a demonstration of how we act if we have the opportunity to act immorally secretly. We can also connect the story of the Ring of Gyges with the modern phenomenon of hate speech online, where anonymity and invisibility increase the chances of irresponsibly spreading hostility, intolerance, and invading the privacy and integrity of the individual.