Zgodovinska znanost temelji na zgodovinskih virih, na njihovem kritičnem pretresu, primerjanju, ugotavljanju zanesljivosti in njihovem sintetiziranju. Prav zaradi tega je to dejstvo treba nujno upoštevati tudi pri pouku zgodovine in na prvo mesto med vsemi učnimi viri postaviti prav zgodovinske vire. Kot zgodovinski vir nam lahko služi tudi literarno besedilo. V poštev pridejo odlomki iz leposlovnih del pisateljev, ki so med pisanjem literarnega dela tudi arhivsko preučili resnične zgodovinske razmere. Takšen besedno slikovit opis bo s svojo sugestivnostjo in z bogastvom umetniškega izraza zelo pritegnil učence, obogatil njihove predstave o določnih zgodovinskih razmerah ter spodbudil njihovo življenjsko in konkretno razmišljanje. Učence namreč spodbujajo k branju zgodovinskih besedil in jih motivirajo. Med literarna besedila kot zgodovinske vire prištevamo: zgodovinske romane, novele, pesmi z zgodovinsko vsebino. Treba pa je skrbno izbrati krajše in metodično uporabne odlomke. Besedila lahko beremo na začetku učne ure kot uvod v novo metodično enoto, lahko so snov za postavljanje novih problemov ali pa jih pustimo za konec ure kot poglobitev učne snovi. Pri uporabi literarnih besedil ločimo: dokumentarno literaturo (vir prve roke), zgodovinsko literaturo (književnost) in t. i. drugo literaturo.
Literature as a historical source
Historical science is founded on historical sources, on their critical examination, comparison, establishment of reliability and their synthesis. For this reason this fact must be taken into account in history lessons and historical sources must be placed above all other learning resources. A literary text may serve as a historical source. These can be excerpts from belletristic works of writers who studied the real historical circumstances by referring to archival material while writing the literary text. Such descriptions with picturesque words will attract the attention of pupils with their suggestiveness and richness of artistic expression, enrich their notions of specific historical circumstances, and motivate their thinking about life and concrete matters. Such works encourage pupils to read historical texts and motivate them. Literary texts which are considered historical sources include: historical novels, novellas and poems with historical contents. Shorter and methodically useful excerpts must be chosen with care. The texts can be read at the beginning of a lesson as introduction into a new methodical unit; they can be used as subject matter for raising new issues, or left for the conclusion of a lesson for assimilation of learning content. When using literary texts, we distinguish the following: documentary literature (primary source), historical literature and so-called other literature.