Osemnajstega aprila 2019 je na Zavodu RS za šolstvo potekal pogovor z učenci in dijaki osmih osnovnih ter ene srednje šole o šoli prihodnosti, ki jo skupaj z učitelji gradijo v triletnem mednarodnem projektu Erasmus+ Glas učenca – most do učenja. Navdušuje jih pouk, pri katerem lahko sooblikujejo učni proces, gradijo partnerski odnos in prevzemajo odgovornost za svoje učenje. V pogovoru je sodelovala tudi prof. Gabi Čačinovič Vogrinčič, v članku pa so zajeti njeni odgovori na vprašanja, ki so ji jih samoiniciativno zastavili omenjeni učenci in dijaki.
A Conversation with Students – The School of the Future
A conversation with students from eight primary schools and one secondary school took place on 18 April at the National Education Institute Slovenia about The School of the Future co-created with their teachers within the three-year international Erasmus+ project Student Voice – the BRIDGE to Learning. The students are inspired by classes where they can be co-creators of the learning process, where they can build partnerships and assume responsibility for their own learning. The article includes the answers given by Prof. Gabi Čačinovič Vogrinčič, who also participated in the conversation, to the questions posed by the students on their own initiative.